You can become a partner of Faith Builders Pakistan and become an integral part of the work of the FBP. Your generous donation will enable us to continue the charitable works done within Faith Builders Pakistan. 100% of your contribution will be sent directly to the Projects and will reach to the hands of those in need.


Faith Builders Pakistan is committed to providing an education to some of the poorest and forgotten children. Our aim is to provide an educational curriculum to children of the community who have very little to survive. Providing free books, uniforms and shoes with a nominal tuition fee and also providing completely free education (no tuition fee) to those who cannot afford even the Rs. 200 per month. With your continued support, we would be able to help more vulnerable children.

If you would like to offer a donation of any amount to educate the poor children of Pakistan, please contact us and donate today. Thank you



You can help us continue our programme of arranging free medical camps in indigenous groups of the remote, tribal and other areas. The need for these medical camps is so great that we wish to be able to continue this work monthly. Yet for comparatively small funds we can make a significant difference to the lives of these indigent people and their children. —- The funds are needed for materials, medicines, doctors and transportation. Each Camp requires $400 and we have proved that it can be done, please enable us to continue the work. You can help all this to happen by just be the part of this project of Faith Builders Pakistan.


We are arranging a camp quarterly where about 60 – 80 widows come together and we grant them provision of food, clothing, for household items and gifts for their children. Currently, we are helping 16 widows on a regular monthly basis. It costs $ 30 to help each widow for one month.